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Monday, November 19, 2012

Seoul Lantern Fest 2012

The 4th annual Seoul Lantern Festival along the Cheonggye Stream was on display from November 2nd through the 18th.  "Seoul's Roots, the Lifestyles of Our Ancestors" was the 2012 theme.

We took it all in on the first Saturday of November.  Viewers began to trickle into the area at dusk.  After dark, the trickle became a torrent, as long lines of people waited patiently to descend from street level to the stream walkway, which afforded them a close-up look of the lanterns.

Near Cheonggye Plaza, at the headwaters
of the stream.

At dusk, before the arrival of
throngs of people.

Overhead lantern.

Still early in the evening, looking downstream as
the streamside walkways begin
to fill with people.

Ancestral lore on display.

Kite flyers.

Woman and child viewing the spectacle
from street level.

After dark, the walkways are teeming with people.

One of the larger lanterns.

Leaping fish on display stand with
suspended swimming fish.

Lantern tunnel on bridge over the stream.

These three young gentlemen asked Stacey to take a snapshot
of them with their camera.
They proved to be fine judges of beauty as they
told me I was handsome.

Lantern panorama on Cheonggye Plaza.

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