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Monday, February 4, 2013

Overnight Snowfall

It began snowing in Seoul around suppertime last evening.  The ground was bare up until then.  When we awakened at 5:30 this morning, the city was blanketed in white.  By Seoul standards, this would be deemed a large snowfall.  Even Wisconsinites would have regarded it as a respectable snowstorm.  After breakfast, I grabbed my camera and headed outdoors.

Just outside our backdoor.

Boughs heavy with snow.

A lady in the courtyard wears
a scarf of snow.

Across the street in Dream Forest.

Shovels awaiting shovelers.
I somehow resisted the impulse to grab
one and get to work.

The distant observatory in Dream Forest.

Out for a walk in the newly fallen snow.

Winter landscape.

Park benches.

In Dream Forest.

Stream in the lower reaches of Dream Forest
looking out across Wolgye-ro.

Much of the snow removal here is reminiscent
of my childhood in Wisconsin.
"Get out there and shovel".

A narrow city street.

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