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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

More Snow Pics

Here's a few more images of Sunday night's snowfall.  Associated Press has reported that it was the heaviest  accumulation in Seoul in modern Korean history.  The state weather agency called it the worst (or best, I guess, depending on your point of view) snowfall since Korea undertook meteorological surveys in 1937.  In excess of ten inches fell across the metropolis.  One of Stacey's coworkers said it was definitely the largest snowfall in her nine years in the city.

Our boulder stairway leading up to street level
is treacherous when snow covered.

Up on the street.

Stone wall near Wolgye-ro.

Cleaning up near Dream Forest Visitor Center.

In Dream Forest.

Lack of wind allowed snow to accumulate
on branches.

Bicyclist making his way through snow.


Traffic on Wolgye-ro passes the lower reaches
of Dream Forest parkland.

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