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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tha Pae Walking Street

In Chiang Mai, Thailand, Ratchadamnoen Road is closed to traffic every Sunday evening, and a huge, vibrant, outdoor market comes to life.  Throngs of locals, tourists, and expats file into the area stretching from the plaza outside Tha Pae Gate, down Ratchadamnoen Road, and into the heart of the Old City.  

Over 700 years old, the Old City constitutes the part of Chiang Mai once surrounded by fortress walls and a moat.  Remnants of the original city walls remain.  The entire moat is intact.

The Sunday walking street market attracts street performers, and features a tempting array of street foods, as well as exquisitely crafted, indigenous goods to peruse and purchase.

Awaiting the masses.  Late afternoon, before
the arrival of  a sea of people.

Outside Tha Pae Gate.

A table of wares.

Street food.

Street crossing at Tha Pae Gate.
Songthaews, like the red one pictured here, are share taxis
that shuttle people about the city.

Street performers in the Old City.

Ratchadamnoen Road looking toward Tha Pae Gate.

Vendors and shoppers.

Street performer as darkness closes in.

A flurry of feet on Ratchadamnoen Road.

Wat Pantao is situated along the market route.

Hanging lanterns at Wat Pantao.

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