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Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Grand Lady Passes

This morning, we were saddened to learn of the passing of a dear, beloved aunt.  She possessed an unsurpassable elegance and abundant grace.  She brightened any room she entered.  Although she would surely scoff at such a notion, I always thought her arrival at a gathering should have been heralded by trumpets.  Something good was about to happen.

She was noble and dignified, and yet, at the same time, humble and unassuming.  Her dry wit was uncanny and spot-on.  She was a master of the gentle ribbing followed by a flash of smile and a wink of the eye.  I found her and her delightful mannerisms deeply endearing.

As John Donne noted long ago, any death diminishes us all.  I'd probably add, some more so than others.

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